4 Wardrobe Color Palettes That Will Get You Excited About Your Outfit

4 Color Palettes to Spruce Up Your Wardrobe

What colors in your wardrobe do you tend to wear the most? Some of us lean towards black or neutrals, others of us tend to choose bright colors, and the rest of us fall somewhere in between. The reasons for our color preferences may be as varied as our idiosyncrasies. Color consultant, Karen Haller says in her book, The Little Book of Colour, that when we perceive color, light waves pass through the same parts of the brain responsible for emotions. So color is very much an emotional experience, and if we’re looking to get excited about our outfit, we can do it through using different wardrobe color palettes.  

In a previous post, I mentioned that any time we see a color, our reaction is based upon a combination of factors like our physiological response to color, our personal and cultural associations with it, and the context in which it’s presented. So when people say they don’t like a certain color, it’s an emotional response that can be attributable to a number of experiences they’ve had with the color, and they may not even be fully aware of all of them. What’s more,  their perception can change depending on the specific mixture of the hue and the other colors the hue is paired or grouped with. 

Personally, I tend to like any color that’s presented in an interesting way. When I feel like I have nothing to wear, challenging myself to come up with different and refreshing color combos can be a way to create a more positive emotional experience. So if you’re looking to get out of a color rut, try these color palettes to get excited about your outfit.

Monochromatic Color Palette

Burgandy Monochromatic Color Palette

A monochromatic color palette is made up of one hue. When we think of a monochromatic outfit we may think of a single mix of a color, and this could feel very limiting. But one hue can have many different presentations when you mix in hints of black (shades), gray (tones), and/or white (tints), all of which give a different feel from moody to cheerful. Here’s my take on a  burgundy color scheme with a mix of tints (e.g., pink and blossom). The color mix keeps it from feeling monotone, although that could be a look too. 

Burgandy Monochromatic Color Palette

Achromatic Color Palette

Black & White Achromatic Color Palette

If you’re not into bright colors, an achromatic color palette may be great for you. It’s an outfit with no color; and consists only of black, white, or gray. It’s dramatic with a cool, urban vibe. And you can add different textures to the no-color scheme for interest. Here, I mix in leather to play up the edgy appeal. 

Vlack & White Achromatic Color Palette

Complementary Color Palette

Blue and Yellow Complementary Color Palette

Complementary colors just fit–literally. When you mix two equal amounts of complementary colors, such as red and green, they create a perfect balance, neutralizing each other to form brown.  They’re colors on opposite sides of the color wheel; and when worn together, they intensify each other. For my complementary pairing, I chose bright yellow and light blue for a delicate, whimsical feel. 

Yellow & Blue Complementary Palette

Analogous Color Palette

Blue & Green Color Palette

Analogous colors, like red and orange, are next to each other on the color wheel. It’s been said that unlike complementary colors which intensify each other, analogous colors soften the other. I always feel there’s an interesting tension with analogous colors, perhaps because it lacks color contrast and appears almost imbalanced or tonal. For my analogous colors, I chose deep blue (minus the shoes) and green. Because there is no bright focal point in an analogous color scheme, there’s nowhere to balance out the eye; and I think this creates a kind of boldness that makes the color pairing appealing. 

Blue & Green Analogous Color Palette

What color palettes are you drawn to and why? Feel free to share it with us.

Dressing For Your Body Type: Full Hourglass

Hey All! I'm back with the next installment of my Dressing for Your Body Type series. This is where I interview women of different shapes and sizes about their body image issues and how they overcame them. No matter what size you are, you've probably had to overcome even minor issues with your body type. And I think it's really helpful to talk with other women about how they've dealt with it. This week I'm interviewing my friend, Kanika. She's funny, no-nonsense, loves being a nurse, and is really just a cool person. I've always admired her self-assured presence and thought she would be great to interview about her body image. Here's what she had to say:

Kanika full.jpg

Trulery: Hi Kanika! So tell me how you would describe your body type?

Kanika: I'd have to say hourglass-- with the right undergarments!!!! Undergarments smooth out and shape, and push things to where they need to go. It's like photoshopping. It doesn't add what you don't have, but it sharpens what you do have.

Trulery: Real life photoshopping- so true! How would you describe how your body image evolved? Or how did you learn to appreciate your specific body type?

Kanika: As I got older, I realized you got to work with what you have. In hindsight, I wish I had been more appreciative and accepting of my body. I would have been more inclined to maintain and value what I have. People are getting butt injections to have a bigger butt and that's natural for me.

Trulery: I agree. I think we should try to value our body, even if it's not exactly where we want it to be because it's the only one we have and one day we might wish it was the way it is now. What's one piece of advice you would give to anyone struggling with your specific body type?

Kanika: I'd say focus your shopping energy and money dressing the parts of your body you like. I like that my waist is naturally narrow so I don't shy away from high-waisted pants or skirts, or clothing that cinches at the waist. It makes my top and bottom look proportionate.

Trulery: That's so much better than focusing on the parts you dislike, and having a bad shopping experience because you somehow only noticed clothes that highlighted all the wrong areas. What other styles or pieces of clothing work best on your body and why?

Kanika: I like looser tops, fitted bottoms. I use to be opposite, but now I realize good quality, fitted fabrics thru the hips and thighs are more flattering for my ample bottom and narrow waist.

See Kanika's 5 must-have pieces for her wardrobe and why she likes them.

1. dress 2. boots 3. spanx 4. pants 5. bag

1. dress 2. boots 3. spanx 4. pants 5. bag

Thanks for your insight, Kanika!

Can you relate to Kanika's body image experience? Tell us about it below.


Dressing For Your Body Type: Petite

Hey Everyone! I'm excited to share with you a new mini-series, Dressing for Your Body Type. It's where I interview women about their body image and how they've overcome insecurities about their body type. I think most of us have struggled through body image issues at some point in our lives no matter what size or shape we are. As I have gotten older, I've had a hard time trying to maintain my 20's body, and have not always felt as comfortable in my skin as I'd like. I work through it by trying to keep a consistent exercise regimen, making healthy eating choices-- most of the time, and understanding that I do not have to wait until I reach a certain size to value myself and my body. I try not to be so focused on my physical appearance that I forget my worth and purpose is much bigger than that. It's definitely an ongoing process but it's worth it to keep at it, particularly when we often get unrealistic messages about what we should look like. For this series, I decided to interview three women with different body types in hopes that you'll be able to relate to at least one of them and their unique journey to a healthy body image. This week, I'm interviewing the lovely Nicole Borjas. Here's what she had to say:

Nicole pic update.jpg

Trulery: So Nicole, how would you describe your body type?

Nicole: I'm definitely petite.

Trulery:  I think being clear and confident about your body type is a great first step towards a healthy body image. How has your body image evolved, or how did you learn to appreciate your body image?

Nicole: I've learned to embrace trends that are more flattering to my body type and not feel so bad about skipping the ones that don't always work for me. That in itself has helped me learn how to appreciate my shorter frame more. There are a lot more clothing brand options now for petite ladies which is fun to find.

Trulery: I agree that knowing what works for your body is key. What is one piece of advice you would give to anyone struggling with your specific body type?

Nicole: Finding clothing that is tailored well to your body frame is very helpful. It took me a while to figure that out. Sewing machines, or tailors are your friend.

Trulery: And it's always good to have clothes that are uniquely fit since so much of what we see is standard and mass produced. What styles or pieces of clothing work best on your body and why?

Nicole: I am loving the high-waisted trend. High-waisted jeans are my favorite. They make my shorter legs seem longer which I appreciate.

Trulery: What are some must-have pieces you think make a good foundation for your wardrobe and why.

Nicole: My must-have pieces are....a little back dress, high-waisted jeans, a quality white T-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket. I like good wardrobe staples that you can adapt from day to night, and can wear in different seasons.

Thanks Nicole! Check out her wardrobe staple picks below!

If you can relate to Nicole's body image journey, feel free to share it with us.

5 Signs Your Wardrobe is a Symptom of Distress and What to Do About it

I’ve always loved clothes. I still remember my first favorite dress given to me for my 5th birthday. It was deep red and white, and very fluffy. I felt like a princess in it. Even then I reveled in the power of clothes as a transformative force that can make me feel like my most amazing self. Fast forward to my college years, and clothes had become a hallmark of my self-expression. I didn’t use it as much to fit in as I used it to stand out. Through clothing I could express my individuality, my awareness of trends, and my willingness to mix it all up to create my own sense of style. I even became aware of the therapeutic benefits of clothing. I remember feeling really anxious about giving a class presentation, and my roommate told me if I put together a nice outfit, it can ease my nerves. So I wore a sensible, stylish pencil skirt, and layered on a bunch of pearl necklaces. I felt like a lady who lunched with a touch of rebellion. And although I was still nervous, the outfit helped me feel more prepared, and I got an A! But dressing up isn’t always the cure for a restless mood. Sometimes dressing down does the trick. I find that dressing moody (e.g., ripped up jeans and a t-shirt) when you feel moody is as much of a pick-me-up as a bluesy jazz song.

On the other hand, there are times when clothing becomes a symptom of poor mood and distress rather than a prescription for it. As Jennifer Baumgartner says in her book You Are What You Wear, your clothes reveal more about you than you may realize, and each item signifies a deeper, unconscious choice. When your clothes become a sign of your distress it is a signal to make some internal changes. No, changing yourself on the outside won’t always fix the inside. And as a counseling psychologist, I’m well aware of the need for people to make internal changes a priority. But aside from having to deal with deeper-seated emotional issues, working on the outside with a little guidance, can be an impetuous to get your internal self in order. There are numerous signs that your clothing is telling you to make some inner changes. Here are five indicators below and what to do about them.

1. One Too Many Regretful Purchases

Most of us have experienced a regretful purchase. The one we made when we were rushing to pick up the kids or to get to an appointment. Or, the one we made because we were so excited about it that we didn’t really stop to think it isn’t practical or not very comfortable. That’s when you regret nearly every purchase, maybe because you aren’t sure it’s right for you, or you’ve concluded  it definitely isn’t right and do not see yourself wearing it. I remember when I was searching for a well-made jumpsuit--one I could wear for a long time, but wasn’t able to find one in my price range.  So one day when I was rushing with my daughter, and had no business shopping for anything, I went into a store and came across this multi-colored, animal print, patterned jumpsuit. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but I bought it without much thought. The fit was workable, but the pattern and colors were overly trendy and not long-lasting. As I got home and tried it on, I knew it was the wrong choice, and never wore it. While a few regretful clothing purchases are to be expected, it is problematic when it becomes a pattern.

When we habitually make regretful purchases, it’s a sign that we are not clear about what we are looking for, and may have a poor sense of our individual style or what enhances us.  This makes us vulnerable to gimmicks or glitzy sales tactics (e.g., half-off sales, looks great on the model) which only reinforces our regretful purchases. But through my jumpsuit purchase, I learned two things. One, don’t go clothes shopping with a new baby. And two, regretful purchases can actually teach us something about our style. For me, the colors and pattern of the jumpsuit were wrong and I felt more comfortable with a simpler one that functioned as a staple in my wardrobe. As Tess Whitehurst says in her book Magical Fashionista, clothes should fit your unique message and energy. What energy or vibe do you give off? Simple or fussy? Edgy or girly? Colorful or brooding? Somewhere in between? For me, it might change depending upon how I’m feeling that particular day. But if you aren’t sure, let regretful purchases guide you towards understanding more about your sense of style.

2. You are a Slave to Trends

I enjoy fashion trends and love to follow them. Being aware of trends helps us to be attuned to shifts that are occurring in fashion and design, and gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our personal style so we can decide whether we want to accommodate to those shifts.  But being attuned to trends and being dependent on them are very different. Trends are fresh and exciting, and it can be easy to get swept up in the hype of it all. If you blindly follow fashion trends without considering how those trends enhance or detract from your personal style, you might be relying on trends for security and approval without ever really finding your unique style. Studies show that those who use clothes to make the right impression feel good about themselves when they are satisfied with their clothes, but have a poor self-perception when they are dissatisfied. So it’ important for YOU to make the clothes rather than have the clothes make you.

To minimize the chances that you will be overly dependent on trends, do an assessment on your wardrobe. Are most of your clothes staple pieces, trendy—lasting one or two seasons, or some mixture of both? If you want to build a wardrobe that you do not have to change out every season be sure to have more staple pieces than trendy ones, and be selective about the trends you buy. There are times when I searched long and hard for a trendy item, I really enjoy. But there are also times, as with the jumpsuit fiasco, I’ve jumped at a trend without really thinking about whether it works on me or not. Before buying the next big trend, consider what message you want to convey to the world through your clothes. Then assess the trend(s) you’re considering. Will it enhance the message you want to convey? Or does it just show that you’re trendy.

3. Your Closet Stays in Disarray

An organized closet can make the mornings feel so simple and smooth, especially when your outfit is on the hanger waiting for you to grab it and go. On the other hand, a messy closet can make the mornings feels disorganized and rushed, especially if you have to sift through piles of clothes to get what you want. And usually you can’t find what you want which then leads to the inevitable “I have nothing to wear!”  Never mind that you have tons of tops, skirts, and pants that you at one time or another loved enough to buy. But now those clothes seem unflattering on the floor or stuffed in draws, making it difficult to create a look for the day that feels right. Your initial reaction may be to buy more clothes to fix the problem, but if your closet never gets organized, new clothes would likely only add to the chaos. In fact, if your closet it in constant disarray, it may signal disorganization or chaos in other areas of your life. Maybe you’ve been in a slump, dealing with depression, or experiencing high stress, and feel disorganized. If so, it is not uncommon for these issues to shows up in your wardrobe, waiting to get your attention.

One way to resolve these closet issues is get your closet organized, even if you don’t feel like it. And as you organize your wardrobe accordingly, use it as a launching pad to organize other areas in your life. Start with clearing out your entire closet until it is empty, and sort your clothes into specific piles. For instance, you can make a pile for clothes with holes and rips; clothes you haven’t worn within the last year or more; clothes you wear regularly; and clothes you wear on special occasions. Throw away all the clothes that are old and beyond repair, and give away the clothes that you will likely never wear again. All of this makes room for new clothes. The act of throwing away and getting rid of old clothes that no longer work for you is more than a practical one. It’s also an emotional process that can be applied elsewhere. For instance, if you are depressed or stressed, you may have to get rid of old ways of thinking to make room for new ways of processing and being with yourself and others. 

As you put back the remainder of clothes into your closet, create sections for each type of clothing (e.g., skirts, pants, dresses) . Then go through your staple pieces, the clothes you wear regularly, and see what other staple pieces you need to build the foundation for your wardrobe. If you don’t know what staple pieces to buy, this is the time to do your research. See what pieces are out there and decide which ones are right for you. Beyond the staple pieces, you’ll want to assess your more specialized pieces (e.g., clothing with patterns, colors, sequins) and see what you would add to give your wardrobe that something extra. You may have to do some research with this as well if you're not sure what is out there. This idea of making it work with what you have and adding more when you can is powerful, as it shows an ability to place value on what’s yours, which in turn creates a momentum that allows you to get more.  For instance, if you have a skill but don’t value it, others probably won’t either making it less likely for you to expose the talent and possibly benefit others and/or make a living off of it. So while organizing your closet may not fix all of life’s problems, it can be an important first step to making significant shifts elsewhere in your life.

4. You Are Overly Preoccupied with Clothing Size

What size are you? This may feel like a loaded question, kind of like asking someone how much they weigh or how old they are. This is because our sense of self and body image are so wrapped up in clothing size, and we manage ideas about our body and self through it. Let’s say a store carries tons of size 6’s or 8’s but very few 12’s or above. This can send a message about the value they place on bigger sizes, and we may start to internalize the idea that a specific size equates to degree of value. Studies show that women in particular, often get around these feelings by “cheating” the numerical indicators of clothing size. That is, stores use different sizings for the same body type, and a size 6 in one store may be the equivalent to a size 10 in another. So if a woman wants to feel thinner, she’ll shop in the store that makes her a 6 rather than a 10. While striving to be a size “blank again" is all of us, how we feel about ourselves and our bodies should not be dependent upon the sizing used to quantify our bodies. And if it is, it’s often reflective of deeper-seated issues about our worth and value."

If you find that you are overly preoccupied with clothing size, perhaps you can do some introspection to find out why you place so much value on it. What does it mean about you to not be size “blank”? Are those meanings accurate? Or, what other aspects of you are valuable? These types of questions can go a long way in challenging some faulty ideas you have. Then the next time you go shopping, try to avoid looking at the sizes and choose clothes by how well they fit you. You'll feel more confident in clothes that fit regardless of the size. If you need to take a friend with you who can help you pick out sizes without being preoccupied with them, then do so. The idea is to lessen the value you place on clothing size in relation to your own self-worth and sense of value.

5. Your Wardrobe Feels Uninspiring

There may be a number of different reasons why you feel uninspired by your wardrobe, but if your clothes generally do not fit the life you want to live, there is probably a disconnect between you and your wardrobe. You may feel stuck with nothing to wear, or clothes that don’t enhance your life in any meaningful way. This could signify that you are stuck in another area of your life. Maybe you feel stuck in a job, a relationship, or a lifestyle that no longer works. In Magical Fashionista, Tess Whitehurst says your clothes should help you feel as if the life you want is already in place. Putting together outfits each day that enhances your life and conveys a message about who you are in the world is a very important creative endeavor, and the more fitting the outfit, the better equipped you are to fulfill your purpose.

One way to cope with feeling uninspired about your wardrobe is to get to the source of what’s keeping you stuck. Consider the lifestyle you want. What are your career goals, your relationship goals, or your educational goal? Once you determine that, you can start to curate a wardrobe that reflects these goals. If your goal is to spend more nights out, then consider buying more party clothes. If it is to get a particular job, then buy outfits suitable for the position. Even if you don’t have the job yet, the very act of buying a suitable wardrobe for it shows you have the faith and guts needed to make your goals a reality. It’s certainly a process and may not get resolved overnight but remember, changes in one area can make it easier to make changes in another area.

What other ways do you think a wardrobe is a sign of distress, and what tips do you have for dealing with it? I’d love to hear your thoughts.



Wardrobe Consulting: What's Psychology Got To Do With It?

Hi There! Hope you've been doing well despite all the social unrest we've been experiencing lately. I'm currently in the beginning stages of developing my creative consulting company, Truly, LLC, and I'm so excited to be offering wardrobe consulting services (the other services, interior consulting and styling/decorating services will come along later). It certainly hasn't been easy, but thankfully, this blog and company has pushed me to focus on the positives and just keep moving forward. Many people don't know what wardrobe consulting is, and may think it's simply a styling service. And while wardrobe consulting does include styling, it goes a little deeper. It's a relatively new field that blends psychology and the fashion world. Psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, has done a great job of bringing wardrobe consulting to the forefront with her book You are What You Wear. In fact, her book has inspired me to write my own on the subject one day (hopefully sooner rather than later).  Today I thought I'd take the time to share what wardrobe consulting entails, and how it can be beneficial to those of you who may be struggling with your wardrobe or how to dress in a way that resonates with the image you want to convey to the world.

wardrobe consulting

Wardrobe consulting is based upon fashion psychology which is the application of psychological principles to understanding why we wear what we wear and the effect is has on us and others. Wardrobe behaviors include the act of buying clothes, storing clothes, and creating outfits, all of which are significant indicators of our emotional life. And our past experiences, current distress, and future goals can all be reflected in our patterns of dress. So paying attention to the messages we send through our clothing is integral to achieving consistency between our external image and internal image (such as self-perception and self-esteem).

Here's a rundown of what you can expect during wardrobe consultation.

The consultation usually consists of 5-8 sessions, the first being an "intake assessment." The consultant, that's me, asks a series of questions to get a sense of your past, present, and future experience with dress. I look for whether the experiences have been good, bad, or somewhere in between to better understand the major issues contributing to your issues with dress. Next, I do the "examination." That's where I examine your wardrobe  to assess for patterns (patterns in style, shopping behaviors, storage, and assembling outfits) and the psychological reasons for them.

Once the assessment and examination are completed, we move in to the "formulation" stage where I engage you in goal-setting by helping you identify goals (e.g., vocational, educational, and relationship goals) and the ideal wardrobe to match those goals. And any changes made to the wardrobe are used to facilitate deeper-level, internal changes. So if you're feeling stuck in your professional or personal life, I work with you to create a wardrobe that promotes a feeling of being unstuck or progress in those areas. You'll be encouraged to dress for the life you want to achieve, rather than the life you've had.

Next, we works towards making changes by implementing an action plan designed to achieve set goals and improve your wardrobe. Finally, we process the changes made, and figure out what future changes need to be made to sustain the changes and achieve future goals.

That's a simplified explanation of the the wardrobe consulting process, but hopefully you have a good working understanding of it. The actual wardrobe consulting experience is designed to be full and impactful, and any changes made in the wardrobe can be used as an impetus to make change in other areas. So for example, if you're having difficulty with change, the skills you've learned while making changes to your wardrobe can also be applied to other areas, professionally or personally.

What are your thoughts on wardrobe consulting? Does it sound like something you, a friend, or family member could benefit from? If you have any further questions about it or would like me to conduct a wardrobe consulting workshop for your company or organization, feel free to comment or contact me via email. ♥