Beautifully Kempt

{image: the sketch book}

Hello friends. Hope your 2013 is getting off to a great start. It's that time again to put away the Christmas tree and decorations. And what better time to get organized. Over the holidays I 'talked' about re-organizing as one way to be more appreciative about the things we have. I've really been into organizing lately, and it's especially important for those of us who live in small spaces. I've learned to appreciate the challenge of making sure my home is filled with things that are both stylish and functional. It feels like an exercise in restraint and helps me to focus on what I really need. A well organized space is not only aesthetically pleasing but emotionally satisfying as well. How great is it to come home after a long day or wake up in the morning to an organized, kempt space that you've created. Here are some images that may inspire you to tackle some of those organizing projects around the home, making it beautifully kempt.

{image: bijou and boheme}

Instead of getting a traditional cutlery holder, you can put them in glasses as shown here in Christine Dovey's beautiful kitchen.

{image: love aesthetics}

I love this lunch paper bag gone glam. It's so pretty I'd use it as storage.

{image: lonny ideas}

Trays lend a nice organizational feel to a vanity. And it's a quick, easy way to add color and pattern.

{image: wishesofarose via weheartit}

How about putting your make-up brushes in glass jars? I'm always looking for ways to re-purpose objects around the house.

{image: mark lund}

If you don't have a lot of room or furniture yet, use the floor as a display area.  Things like vases and pretty bags can turn any little non-space into a pretty vignette.

{image: real living}

I bought the Painting People art book, displayed on the lower left corner, just for the lady with the sunglasses.  But I had a hard time showing 'her' off because she often got covered with a bunch of other smaller books. So here's a great way to organize and display books if you want to show off the cover.

{image: uk vogue via a lovely being}

I love the ease with which J.Crew's Jenna Lyons displays her shoes and bags.  It's fun to display the prettiest ones on the floor, especially if you don't have a lot of space. They become fabulous show pieces.

 {image: martha angus}

I really like the idea of using single colored storage boxes like these bright fuchsia ones. It gives a clean, neat look and certainly shows dedication. Using books as decoration is my thing too. They add so much interest and warmth.

What other ways do you organize? I enjoy finding new and improved ways to make good use of space. Check out my Kempt pinterest page for more stylish ways to keep tidy.